Metal Trades

PF - Interactive Summary Plan Description

Identifying the Plan

The full, official name of the Plan is "The Metal Trades Branch Local 638 Pension Fund", but the Plan is also known as the "Pension Plan" or "Pension Fund". In this booklet, the Pension Plan will be called the "Plan".

Name, Address and Telephone Number of the Board of Trustees which administers the Plan:

Board of Trustees

The Metal Trades Branch Local 638 Pension Plan
27-08 40th Ave, 2nd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101-3725
(212) 465-8888

E-mail Address:

The Trustees are: Shane McMorrow, Scott Berger, Dan Steffen, Robert J. Bartels, Jr., Brian Kearney, Jr., Sean Dolan, Cliff Johnsen and Anthony Saporito.

The Board of Trustees has appointed William J. Turnbull to manage day-to-day Plan operations. He is referred to as the Plan Administrator.

Employer Identification Number of the Board of Trustees:


Plan Number:


Type of Plan:

Defined Benefit

Plan Year Ends:

June 30

Type of Administration:

Trustee Administration

Agent for Service of Legal Process:

William J. Turnbull, Executive  Administrator

The Metal Trades Branch Local 638 Pension Fund
27-08 40th Ave 2nd Floor, Long Island City, NY 11101-3725
(212) 465-8888

E-mail Address:

Service of legal process may also be made on any of the Trustees.

Name and Address of Trustees:

Union Trustees
Robert J. Bartels, Jr.
Sean Dolan
Cliff Johnsen
Brian Kearney, Jr.

Enterprise Association Metal Trades Branch Local Union 638
27-08 40th Avenue 
Long Island City, NY 11101 
(718) 392-3420

Employer Trustees  
Shane McMorrow 
Scott Berger
Anthony Saporito
Dan Steffen

Mechanical Contractors Association of New York 
535 Eighth Ave, 17th Fl
New York, NY 10018
(212) 481-1490

Collective Bargaining Agreements & Contributions:

Parties to the collective bargaining agreement relating to the Plan are the Union, known as the Enterprise Association Metal Trades Branch Local Union 638 and the Service Contractors Division of the Mechanical Contractors Association of New York, representing its’ affiliated employers and other independent employers who are not members of the association, but have collective bargaining agreements with the Union and perform work under the jurisdiction of the Union. A complete list of contributing Employers may be obtained by writing to the Fund Administrator and may be examined at the Fund Office and Union Office. The Fund can also advise if a particular employer contributes to the Plan.

The hourly contribution rates vary depending on the Collective Bargaining Agreement in effect. Check with the Union or your employer to find out the hourly rate of contribution to the Pension Fund.